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We're here to support you

We understand there can be times when it’s difficult to meet your financial commitments. We can help you if you tell us, or we identify, that you're experiencing financial hardship.

How we can help

If you're making a new insurance claim, the ways we can help you include:

  • Provide a claims case manager to sensitively and confidentially assist you
  • Fast tracking your claim
  • Provide options to pay a claim in instalments
  • Delay your claim payments
  • Instead of you paying your excess upfront, we can deduct your excess from any cash settlement paid to you
  • Pause an action to recover money from you


If you’re finding it difficult to pay your premium, we can:

  • Change your policy from yearly to monthly payments
  • Move your payment due dates
  • Help you review your cover

These are not the only ways we can help you. We encourage you to tell us you're experiencing financial hardship so we can find ways to support your personal circumstance. Call us on 8202 4600.


About financial hardship

  • What is financial hardship?

    A person is in financial hardship when they want to pay what they owe but can’t because of money problems, the amount is too big, or the payment is unexpected.
  • Who can access financial hardship support?

    You may be entitled to financial hardship support if you are:

    • Someone who owes us money, including an excess, under an insurance policy we’ve issued
    • Someone we’re seeking to recover money from you because we believe you caused damage or loss to either a party that holds an RAA insurance product, or a third-party customer who we cover under an insurance policy
  • How can I apply for financial hardship support?

    We encourage you to tell us if you’re experiencing financial difficulty so we can find ways to help you.

    If your financial hardship relates to a claim, please call 8202 4575. If your situation does not relate to a claim, call 8202 4600.

    For non-urgent queries, send us an online enquiry.

Support services

National Debt Helpline

Free, confidential and independent financial advice

National Debt Helpline website

1800 007 007

Things you should know

For details of our responsibility when it comes to protecting your privacy and keeping your information confidential, read our Privacy Policy.