RAA is a mutual service organisation, the activities of which are governed by the RAA Constitution (PDF, 972KB) and by the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (as amended). It's governed by a Board of non-executive Directors, elected by RAA members, and a Managing Director, appointed by the Board.

The management and control of the funds and other property of the RAA are vested in the Board of Directors.

RAA and its Board of Directors must act in accordance with the RAA Constitution and are bound by various statutory, common law and policy constraints in relation to the governance of the RAA.

To ensure RAA adheres to the highest governance standards possible, RAA’s governance policies, procedures and disclosure practices are also guided by certain provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (as amended) and the Australian Stock Exchange – Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.

Although not legally bound by these requirements, RAA has elected to adopt appropriate provisions in order to strengthen its administrative structures and maintain the highest standards of integrity and accountability.

Modernising our RAA

Since 2021, we’ve been taking steps to modernise our Constitution. In line with modern and fit-for-purpose governance practices, we’re looking at moving our operations under the Corporations Act—rather than the Associations Act which is intended for much smaller clubs and not for profits.

Under the changes being explored by the Board, RAA will retain its mutual status. Read more information on this journey.

  • Board of Directors and Committees

    The RAA Board of Directors is comprised of non-executive Directors elected by RAA members.
  • Group Executive Team

    The RAA Group Executive Team is comprised of a Chief Executive Officer RAA, a Chief Executive RAA Insurance, and Executive team members.
  • Annual Reports

    Released each November, the Annual Reports explain RAA activities and business.
  • AGM and Board of Directors election

    RAA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Board of Directors Election are opportunities for members to have their say on how RAA is governed.

Our guidelines and policies

Director Suitability Guidelines

The Director Suitability Guidelines (Guidelines) were developed by the RAA Nominations Committee (Committee) and approved by the RAA Board on 23 October 2023 pursuant to clause 16.4(k) of the RAA Constitution.

The Guidelines set out the minimum criteria for assessing the suitability of persons to serve as a Director of RAA. The Committee has the responsibility to make determinations as to whether a person complies with the Guidelines. The Guidelines apply to all persons seeking to be elected or appointed to the RAA Board of Directors and all persons who are sitting Directors.

If the Committee determines that a person does not comply with the Guidelines, the person will not be eligible for election or appointment to the RAA Board, unless the RAA Board otherwise determines. A person must also comply with all other eligibility requirements set out in RAA’s Constitution.

The assessment of a person against the Guidelines is the first step in the Director nomination or appointment process. If, following this assessment, the person is eligible, the Committee will assess the person against the Endorsement Criteria developed by the Committee on an annual basis prior to calling for nominations or making recommendations on an appointment, and make a recommendation to the Board as to whether the Board should endorse the person for election or appointment.

For further information, refer to the Director Suitability Guidelines (PDF, 73KB) and the frequently asked questions (PDF, 63KB) that were made available to members at the time the relevant amendments to the Constitution were proposed.

Whistleblowing Management Policy

We’re committed to doing the right thing and promoting a culture of ethical behaviour and good governance. In addition to effective line management, we also recognise the importance of whistleblowers and their role in reporting wrongdoing. 

For more information, read our Whistleblowing Management Policy (PDF, 2.13MB).