Frequently asked questions
Personal information
How can I update my personal details and contact preferences?
You can update your postal address, phone and email details in My Account on the personal details page.
If you update your postal address, it won't change the address insured by any insurance policies. You must change those separately by contacting us. If you need to change your name, please call 8202 4600. -
Where can I access my Certificate of Insurance?
Your Certificate of Insurance is sent to you when you purchase or renew your policy. If you need a replacement, please call us on 8202 4567.
How can I change the postal or email address my communications are sent to?
You can change your postal address in My Account, on the Personal details page. This won’t change your insured address. If you need to change your insured address, please call 8202 4567.
To change the email address your e-news subscriptions are sent to, log in to My Account and visit the personal details page. Changing your email address will also change the email you use to log in to My Account.
How do I tell RAA that a person has passed away?
You can let us know in the way you're most comfortable with. Our staff will handle your situation with care, ensuring you're supported during this difficult time. You can contact us or use the Australian Death Notification Service.
To contact RAA, you can call us on 8202 4600 or visit an RAA shop to talk to us face-to-face. We'll request certain documentation from you, depending on the circumstances. We may need a copy of the death certificate, a copy of the will, or a letter of administration.
To use the Australian Death Notification Service, visit their website. It's a free service that can notify multiple organisations, including RAA, for you. You'll need to supply a death certificate to use this service.
Changing products
How can I change the car or home address I’ve insured?
If you need to update the addresses listed on your insurance policies, please call us on 8202 4567 as soon as possible. You can't change your insured address information in My Account. -
How do I change my Road Service?
If you'd like to change your level of Road Service, please call us on 8202 4610. You can call to make this change at renewal or you can move to a higher level at another time. Currently you can't change your existing level online. -
How do I change my insurance?
You can call us on 8202 4567 to make a change to your insurance policy. Changes you can make include altering excess, altering sum insured, adding or removing optional covers, combining covers or adding an additional type of cover. Currently you can't change your existing insurance cover online.
Log in help
I can't log in to My Account. How do I fix this?
If you're having trouble logging in to My Account, there are two common ways to fix this.
1. Make sure you’re registered
RAA members are not automatically registered for My Account. The first time you access the online My Account portal, you’ll need to register. Only members can register for My Account.
The details you use to register must be the same as the ones we have on file. If we can't find you in the system, we'll tell you this on the registration screen. If you haven’t updated your details with us since you first joined, consider if your postal postcode, email address or name may have changed. You can call us on 8202 4600 to update these details or you can change your email and postcode in My Account once you’ve logged in.2. Reset your password
If you’re sure that you’ve registered before, you can reset your password using the ‘Forgot password?’ link on the log in screen. An email will be sent to the address you’ve entered, giving you instructions on how to set a new password. If you don’t see an email in your inbox within 5 minutes, check your spam folder and if there's no email it may mean there is no account registered with this email address. You may want to try registering with this email. If you're still unable to log in or register, please contact us on 8202 4600.
How do I cancel my insurance or Road Service?
If you're thinking about cancelling your insurance or Road Service, we'd love to discuss how we can better support you. Please contact us on 8202 4600 about a cancellation or change. You can also ask us about making changes to your product including switching to monthly payments, changing your excess amount or moving to a different level of cover. You can compare our three levels of Road Service to see if a different level may suit you better.
If you're experiencing financial hardship, we're here to help. Learn more about how we can support you or call us on 8202 4600.
Will I get a refund if I cancel my Road Service?
RAA Road Service is a 12-month subscription product. If you cancel and you’ve paid in full, you usually won’t be given a refund. If you cancel and you’re paying monthly, you’ll need to pay for the remaining months. There are limited circumstances at our discretion that we may issue a refund. -
How do I tell RAA that a person has passed away?
You can let us know in the way you're most comfortable with. Our staff will handle your situation with care, ensuring you're supported during this difficult time. You can contact us or use the Australian Death Notification Service.
To contact RAA, you can call us on 8202 4600 or visit an RAA shop to talk to us face-to-face. We'll request certain documentation from you, depending on the circumstances. We may need a copy of the death certificate, a copy of the will, or a letter of administration.
To use the Australian Death Notification Service, visit their website. It's a free service that can notify multiple organisations, including RAA, for you. You'll need to supply a death certificate to use this service.
Contact us. We're here to help.
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Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Saturday, 9am to 12pm -
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