The cost of using the RAA Charge network depends on the time of day and the type of site. The prices below include this discount:
Destination (7kW) charging sites
Evening peak (5pm to 10pm): 32c/kWh
Standard (all other times): 25c/kWh
Rapid (150kW) and Ultra-rapid (200kW) sites
Evening peak (5pm to 10pm): 73c/kWh
Standard (all other times): 64c/kWh
For example, an EV with a battery capacity of 64kWh will cost about $16 to charge at a fast AC charging site during standard hours and $20 during evening peak periods.
Pricing changes
On 9 October 2024, the cost to charge using the RAA Charge network increased by 5c/kWh across all 150kW Rapid and 200kW Ultra-rapid charging sites, at all
times of the day. There were no changes of the cost to charge at our 7kW Destination chargers.
If you're ever unsure about the cost of one of our chargers, download the Chargefox app for iOS or Android for pricing information.