We'll be reimbursing eligible current and former members

After a review into how we previously applied discounts to insurance policies, we might owe you a reimbursement.

The review found that from April 2012 to February 2025, some discounts weren't applied in line with some of our advertising material.

We've now fixed this and are making reimbursements.

If you're owed a reimbursement, we'll be in touch

We'll email you, send you a letter, send you an SMS or call you using details you previously provided to us.

We'll explain how much we owe you and what—if anything—you need to do to receive your reimbursement.

We are working with Deloitte to deliver our Remediation Program, so you might notice their name in some online communications relating to the program.

What to do if we contact you

For current members
  • If you're a member and we have your bank details, we'll pay the reimbursement to the account we have on file for you. That's it - you won't need to do anything.
  • If you're a member and we don't have your bank details, we'll ask you to log in or register for RAA My Account and provide your details through a secure member portal.

Go to member portal

For former members
  • If you're not a member anymore, we'll ask you to provide your details to us through a secure former member portal.
  • We'll also ask you to use this portal if you're providing details on behalf of a company.

Go to former member portal

We're here to help

If you've heard from us and you're having trouble giving us your bank details, or you want to talk to someone about your reimbursement, we're here to help.

Call 8202 8255

Frequently asked questions

  • Why is RAA paying reimbursements?

    In 2022, along with all insurers, we reviewed the pricing promises we made in marketing material, Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) and online sales journeys. We wanted to make sure the pricing our members received aligned to the promises we made.

    The review found some discounts—from April 2012 to February 2025—weren’t applied in line with some of our advertising material.

    We've fixed this and will be reimbursing eligible current and former members to ensure they receive the price we promised.

  • How many people will receive a reimbursement?

    Around 180,000 current and former members will receive a payment from us as part of the program.

  • How are you calculating payments?

    Payments consist of the reimbursement of overcharged premium(s), plus GST and stamp duty.

    Interest on the amount to be reimbursed is also calculated and will form part of the payment.

    For some New South Wales policies, reimbursements might also include overcharged Emergency Services Levy.

  • I’m concerned about the legitimacy of the link in the email or letter I received. What do I do?

    Under the what to do if we contact you heading on this page, you'll see a link to our RAA My Account member portal and another link to our former member portal. These are the same links that are included in the letters and emails we are sending.

    Alternatively, you can provide your details by calling our dedicated remediation team on 8202 8255 from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

    We will only ask for your bank details to enable payment into your account. We will not ask for any credit or debit card information in relation to this remediation program.

  • How will I know if I'm eligible for a reimbursement?

    We'll email you, send you a letter, SMS you or call you.

  • If I'm eligible for a reimbursement, when can I expect to be contacted?

    We'll be contacting anyone impacted as soon as we can throughout the rest of the year, with the Remediation Program expected to end in early 2025.

  • I suspect I'm eligible, but I haven't heard anything from RAA. What should I do?

    We'll be contacting anyone impacted as soon as we can.

    If you haven't heard from us over the next 6 months and you suspect you're eligible, get in touch with our Remediation Team on 8202 8255.

  • What determines the reimbursement amount?

    The amount you receive will depend on a range of factors, including the number of policies you held, the type of policies you held and the length of time you held them.

    Interest on the amount to be reimbursed is also calculated and will form part of the payment.

    The amount will be clearly outlined in the communications you receive from us.

  • How will I receive my reimbursement?

    If you're a member and we have your bank details, we'll pay the reimbursement to the account we have on file for you. That's it—you won't need to do anything.

    If you're a member and we don't have your current bank details, we'll ask you to provide your details to us through a secure member portal.

    If you're not a member anymore, we'll ask you to provide your details to us through a secure former member portal.

    If we struggle to reach you after several attempts over an extended period, we'll try and pay your reimbursement directly to the bank account we have on file for you.

  • How and when do I provide my bank details?

    If we need your bank details, we'll let you know how to provide them to us when we contact you.

    We only need your bank details if you're no longer a member and/or if we don't have current bank details on file for you.

  • How are you reimbursing former members and deceased estates?

    For former members

    We'll make every endeavour to get in touch with you through any contact details you provided us in the past in relation to your policies.

    Our communication will link you to a secure online portal where you can add your bank details and update your contact details too if you wish.

    If we struggle to reach you after several attempts over an extended period, we'll try and pay your reimbursement directly to the bank account we have on file for you.

    For deceased estates

    If you're the Executor of a deceased estate, we'll make every endeavour to get in touch with you through any contact details you provided us.

    Our communication will link you to a secure online portal where you can add bank details and update contact details too, if you wish.

    If we struggle to reach you after several attempts over an extended period, we'll try and pay directly to the bank account we have on file.

  • What happens to my details after I receive a reimbursement?

    Bank details provided to us through current and former member portals will only be kept for the duration of the remediation program.

  • How will the reimbursement appear in my bank account?

    The reimbursement will come from RAA, with the payment description: RAA Repay.

  • Could I receive more than one reimbursement?

    Yes. If your reimbursement arises from a duplicated member profile, you could receive multiple reimbursements from us.
    We'll send you a letter or email for each reimbursement we owe you — you will need to action each separately.
    Any reimbursement relating to a former member profile or an Estate will contain a unique Reimbursement ID and will direct you to our former member portal, where you'll be prompted to enter your Reimbursement ID, contact details and bank details for each of your reimbursements.

  • How do I make a complaint?

    If you’d like to make a complaint about the remediation program or your outcome, please call us on 8202 4567 or email membersupport@raa.com.au. We take customer feedback seriously and have a complaint handling procedure in place. Read more about our complaints process.

  • What if I'm not satisfied with how my complaint was handled?

    If you're not satisfied with the outcome from our complaints process, you can choose to lodge your complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). 

    AFCA provide a free and independent dispute resolution service for consumers who have general disputes that are covered by AFCA's Terms of Reference.

    Website: www.afca.org.au
    Email: info@afca.org.au
    Phone: 1800 931 678
    Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

  • Will I need to declare this reimbursement to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)?

    RAA is not a registered tax agent and is unable to provide tax advice. If you have any questions regarding the tax implications of your reimbursement, we encourage you to discuss this with a registered tax agent or visit the ATO website.

  • How do I speak to someone about my reimbursement?

    If you've been contacted by us about your reimbursement and would like to know more, please call our dedicated Remediation Team on 8202 8255 or email us at pricingpromises@raa.com.au.

  • I need help. Who do I contact?

    If you need help with any aspect of our remediation program, call our Remediation Team on 8202 8255 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

  • Who are Deloitte? What role do they play in RAA's Pricing Promises Remediation Program?

    Deloitte—a professional services firm—are helping to deliver our Remediation Program. 

    Deloitte have created our secure former member portal to verify and process the banking information we need to pay reimbursements—you might notice their name in some portal URLs.